Monday 6 October 2014


- by Don Chinedu

“I may shut the sky so that there is no rain, or command grasshoppers to devour the countryside, or send an epidemic among my people. However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country.” 2 Chron 7:13-14
Can God do all the above? I listened with nostalgia the reminiscence or rather retrospection of degrees of bloodshed over the fifty four years of the existence of Nigeria.

I wondered then how, we designed a flag without red on it depicting bloodshed in the struggle for nationhood. The response I got was that no blood was shed in the process of getting independence but again, I felt the bloodshed is so far enough to split this contraption called Nigeria. I was born in the south east after the civil war but all my siblings were born in the present Nasarawa State particularly Lafia . My father was a staff of Grand Cereal a subsidiary of UAC. They told stories of how shortly after the coup of 1966 how Igbos were massacred in their thousands, stuffed in wells from Sokoto to Maiduguri and those wells sealed with concrete cements, How some who were running for dear life are stripped of their belongings in Benue . The opulent went home destitute and bereft of any form of source of livelihood. The never say die spirit still brought them back and still have faith in this Nation called Nigeria. Yet now and again, the blood of their protégé is continuously shed in the name of religion and ethnicity intertwined with politics.
Lately, I heard shortly after the election of 2011 during the political upheaval that ensued, tribes and community raided by party thugs stuffed the wells of those communities with bodies of the elderly, youths and pregnant women they mow down. The attacked communities in their retaliatory attacks did the same. Youth corps members killed, some bombed in the name of insurgent’s .These bloodletting continue in our land unabated and yet we say we do not deserve what we sow over the years?
The blood of the innocent is crying against our land for vengeance. All we need is to ask for mercy over our land, corruption, moral decadence that is ravaging our land are products of evils of nepotism, ethnic bigotry, robbery, stealing, looting of treasury at all levels of governance as well as usurpation of authority.
Our land is truly in dire need of help so that the poor in the land will be fed and the weak protected and the unjust punished.
We need all hands to be on deck to make this nation work..
Rise, shake yourself from the dust and quit yourself as slave to mediocre
Refuse all forms of bondages to wickedness and deception.
Reject satanic strangle hold, demoniac flattery and sycophancy
Shalom Nigeria, Be truly Independent!

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