Monday 6 October 2014


  ladies, if you have a man who only calls you when he feels horny, you are single.
If every time you and your man meet you're always having sex, you're a porn star.
If your relationship is based only on sex, sex, sex it won't go no where. At least if you can't have mature conversation anytime you meet him you should know he is not interested in making you a better person. What interests him is your punani and

nothing more.

There should be conversations like, "Babe, you have a very nice voice, I was thinking of hooking you up with one of these radio stations when you're done with school". "Babe, I would love you to learn how to make shoes and bags before you finish school so you'd have something doing for yourself after school due to the rate of unemployment", "Babe, you write so well... how about we publish a novel?, Don't worry I'll support us",
" I met an old friend at the shopping mall today She has lots of contacts and connection, I want you to meet her"....etc

If your man isn't trying to make you a better person, you're single.
If he has never said, ‘I would like to make you my one and only, and commit to only you’ or said, ‘I feel you complete me. Your mind
intrigues me. Your inner queen compliments my inner king. I would like to court you to see if you and I are taylor made for forever.’ He isn't real. You are single... Get out. Free yourself. Prison break!

What happened to that strong woman you used to be? Remove the #desire of dick from your pineal gland and hold these men to a higher standard. You are smarter than this, remember?

How many red flags do you need?
What happened to all your dreams, goals & aspirations you had before you met this guy.
You used to be so smart, so on point, so confident, but you met a guy and he sucked all your dreams away and replaced it with sex.
You love hard, but if your relationship becomes a distraction from what you always wanted to be, it was never a blessing. The enemy sent you that curse as a distraction to pull you away from growing closer to your purpose

Now ladies ask yourself.... when last did your man motivate or inspire you to be a better person instead of motivating you on the new sex styles, how to swallow cum etc? If he hasn't then you're in a wrong relationship.

by Lucky Osas Musa

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