Saturday 6 December 2014


A couple of days ago, our ebullient professor came again to the Africa International TV - AIT - to lecture us on the electricity discovery or invention theory. What we now do in Nigeria is that we have abandoned the work of our forebears on electricity to discover or invent our own type in Nigeria.

We sink all the money, well over $20 billion since 1999, and all we get is all manner of acrobatics. This time, we fell into the hands of a Professor of Materials Engineering and Science who also doubles for an orator for the transformational agenda of President Jonathan on electricity matters.

He used the phrase "Cannot happen overnight" over 90 times within a short period of 45 minutes dialogue with some two chaps anchoring the programme on AIT. Continue reading....

President, His Excellency, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan GCFR appointed Prof Nebo into the Power Ministry on the 4th February 2013. By February next year, 2015 he would have spent two clear years in that Ministry. Today what we get is good and long beautified electricity invention and discovery theory in English from the Prof.

Every question thrown at him receives the answer, it cannot happen overnight. Take a listen at the dialogue
Anchor: Prof, when will Nigerians begin to have electricity supply without the epileptic nature that we have seen since?

Prof.: It cannot happen overnight. Nigerians must be patient.
Anchor: Prof. when will Nigerians begin to pay what they consume instead of the prevailing estimate billing?
Prof. Metering cannot happen overnight. It has to be manufactured or produced. Fortunately we have various companies producing meters all over Asia and Europe. In short, due to the transformational agenda of Mr. President, we even have one of such companies in Nigeria. Nigerians must be patient.
Anchor: Prof. Have we made any progress?

Prof.: Oh yes. We now generate 4,500MW. It has never been done in this country. The President, himself, commissioned X, Y, Z plants the other day. The results cannot happen overnight. Nigerians must be patient.
Anchor: Prof, Nigerians now complain that they have only witnessed higher bill but less electricity supply.
Prof.: The rot in the electricity sector is huge and the impact of the transformation agenda of the President Goodluck Jonathan's administration will take some time to be felt. It cannot happen overnight. Nigerians must be patient.

Anchor: Prof., the ex President Olusegun Obasanjo said that this administration cannot claim any victory in the successes recorded in the electricity sector. What do you have to say.
Prof.: Cleared his throat, adjusted himself in the swivel chair and started off.

It is unfortunate that an elderly statesman who incidentally was an ex President of this country will derive joy in priding himself with anti government tantrums. You see, when we say that the transformational agenda of Goodluck Jonathan is yielding dividend, people refuse to understand us, and so on and so forth. The dyscos and the gencos and the syscos are doing well

I slept off at this juncture because I could not understand the Material Science jargon the erudite Prof. went into.

It is only in Nigeria that government installs a feeling station without fuel pump to measure what the citizenry consumes. If one PDP administration antagonizes another PDP administration on one and very important aspect of our lives, is there no clear message we should be getting?

My people say that a seed that has not sprouted after 4 days it was sown may just have been either rotten or dried in the soil. One thing looks common amongst our government people like people argue. They loose sense of what is true and what is false and what should become politics. They also disrespect our intelligence and at the same time lose their own intelligence.

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