Saturday 15 November 2014

We must Break this Country into Two or More pieces -Femi Fani-Kayode

"If the FGN wants us to negotiate with Boko Haram on their behalf then they should approach us formally. We shall negotiate with the genuine Boko Haram members as soon as we get into power not the fake ones they are talking to" - LAI MOHAMMED, SPOKESMAN FOR THE APC, 14th NOVEMBER 2014, Channels TV)

So Lai and his APC have now confessed that they know who the Haramites are and are offering to negotiate with them for us? This comes barely a few months after he and his party objected to the proscription of Boko Haram and described it as ''unjust and unconstitutional''.

Is there any need for any more evidence to prove that the APC is the political wing of Boko Haram and that Boko Haram is the military wing of APC? CONTINUE READING...

These people will use any and every means possible to come to power including lies, deception, deceit, bloodshed, terror, mass murder, genocide, forced conversions, abductions, destruction, infanticide, assassination and the perversion, misapplication and misinterpretation of religion.

This is not the Nigerian way. This is not what we signed up for. This is not what our forefathers risked and sacrificed their lives for and fought so hard to establish.

With the way that the APC and the Haramites are behaving I have come to the sad conclusion that it is time for us to reconsider the unity of our nation. Nigeria needs a Gorbachev and southern Nigeria needs a Yeltsin. Those that are sufficiently conversant with Russian and indeed world history will know what I mean by that. Those that do not ought to go and do their research and find out.

The truth is that it is time for us to break off and chart our own course. The Haramites and those that support them and believe in their cause have no place in a civilised and decent nation. We must not allow them to spread their evil virus of hate, violence and intolerance and infect southern Nigeria with it.

It is time for us to draw a line in the sand, seal and secure our southern borders and build a Hadrians wall to keep the enemy out. Those in the south that share the perverted vision of the Haramites and believe in their satanic agenda should move north.

Those in the north that do not wish to be part of an islamic fundamentalist state that is governed and controlled by Boko Haram and their APC allies must move to the south or stay in the north and face the terrible consequences.

Whichever way we must break this country into two or more pieces and save what is left of a civilised, secular, 21st century Nigeria where religious freedoms are guaranteed by the constitution and where all men and women, regardless of tribe or creed, are regarded as being equal under God.

It is time for us to do what we need to do and to execute the agenda that everyone is scared of voicing even though they all secretly crave for. It is time for us to fight for our freedom and to defend it. It is time for us to rise up and say ''no'' to this great evil that has plagued parts of our land.

Let the Lai Mohammeds stay in the north where they belong and if they like let them set up a Taliban government over there where 6 year old girls are forced into marriage, where women are treated like animals, where children are treated like slaves, where all religion apart from theirs is banned, where christians are crucified and beheaded, where those that smoke have their fingers cut off, where those that commit adultry are stoned to death, where those that steal loaves of bread have their hands chopped off, where those that change their faith are whipped to death and where full sharia law is practised.

We will have none of such evil within the southern borders and if they try to force it on us they will be confronted with an all-out, full-scale military breach and civil war which they will ultimately lose. Such a war, if forced upon us by the enemy, will make the 1967-1970 civil war that took place in our country look like childs play.

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