Sunday 11 January 2015

See How "Catholic Rev Father Performs Fake Miracle" {VIDEO}


 In this video a Catholic Reverend Father is performing fake miracle in adoration, we have cripple, sick, barrens in Nigeria yet no one has used them and glorified God by provoking the miracle of God upon their heads but day after day they keep deceiving people in the name of God, collecting the remaining small monies left for the poor to take care of themselves, here this reverend father claims the other man vomited a lizard while is a lie, watch and see... and share this to stop this kind inhuman miracle with the name of God, share it and expose the devil and his doers, share and bring sanity in Christendom. fail to share it means you fail to tell your brothers and sisters that this man have been an evil and has been using them for his personal gain. see pics after the cut...

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