Friday, 17 October 2014

Experts warns, "Brains Shrinks".

Leading expert warns that brains are shrinking, offers tips on building healthier 'organ of connection'

(NaturalNews) According to Dr. Drew Ramsey, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and author of Fifty Shades of Kale, "We have changed our diet so much in the past 100 years that the human brain is actually no shrinking." However, he explains that, with every meal we eat, the opportunity exists to make it significantly healthier. (1)

"We worry about obesity and heart disease and cancer," he says, "but really... the biggest benefit to the right food choice is if you have a healthier brain." Dr. Ramsey says that it's necessary to "consider food first" when assessing a person's mental state, explaining that a large part of why many people experience depression or anxiety, for example, has to do with what they eat. More appropriately, it's also what they do not eat, noting that 2 billion people worldwide are iron deficient. He says that, if we were to all have the proper daily requirements of iron, the global IQ would increase by 13 points. "We'd literally have a smarter planet simply by eating the right food." (1)

Dr. Ramsey, who focuses on anxiety and depression through lifestyle modification and psychotherapy, says that brain cells connect and thrive better in the presence of healthy, whole foods rather than the junk foods that tend to make up the traditional modern diet. Quite simply, making healthy food choices builds better brains, which helps people function more optimally; everything from being in a good mood to sleeping better is made possible by replacing unhealthy diets with more wholesome options.

So, what are his recommendations to help keep the brain healthy?

Recommendations for building a healthier brain

Eat nutrient-dense foods

Dr. Ramsey, a fan of kale, says that it's one of the most nutrient-dense foods available, noting that just one cup of raw kale has 33 little calories yet 204 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin A and 608 percent the daily requirement of vitamin K. He explains that this is a prime example of nutrient density; it's the nutrients that count moreso than the calories. (1)

Other nutrient-dense foods include chia seeds, cacao, hemp seeds and spirulina. (2)

Eat more nuts and seeds

Studies have found that those who consume the most nuts are the least likely to have low brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels, which are responsible for helping cells thrive in the presence of toxins. (1) Brazil nuts, pecans, almonds and cashews are a few that are beneficial when it comes to fighting inflammation and helping prevent cognitive decline. (3)

Remain mindful of foods consumed

"When the brain is missing a single nutrient," Dr. Ramsey says, "it limps along, sputters... it misfires." Eating more nuts and seeds, nutrient-dense foods, phytonutrient-rich foods like dark chocolate, green tea, beans and lentils, and omega-3 fatty acids are all ways to keep this "organ of connection" properly thriving. (1)

Having an awareness of the foods eaten and making healthier choices is essential.

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